
The Project

The Hawick Flood Protection Scheme will be one of the most comprehensive flood protection schemes ever built in the UK.  With flood events seldom out of the news these days, our intention is that the Hawick scheme will become a benchmark, both in terms of its design and modern construction methods, for many other flood protection schemes being planned up and down the country.

The scheme is really four projects in one.  Its primary goal, of course, is to provide flood protection for the town of Hawick. But it will also see the creation of a unique and exciting new Active Travel Network of footpaths, cycleways and footbridges stretching along the entire scheme from Volunteer Park in the west to the Recycling Centre in the east.  In addition, the busy A7 Commercial Road will be significantly upgraded to make it more suitable for the traffic levels it has to cope with.  And a new, high capacity pumping station will be built to further alleviate the risk of future floods.